Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Monday's Events

The Sister City group had the pleasure of visiting elementary schools on Monday morning and the space rocket in the afternoon. The elementary children were so excited to see us. I visited Oda Elementary with Jess, Lindsey, Erik, Billy, and Evan. It's a very small school; only 29 students in all. They performed a traditional Japanese drum routine, as well as a harvest hat dance for us. We joined in on the fun by playing the drums and dancing with them.

The whole group met up again at Kakuda Elementary School where our host students took us to a 2nd grade class and a 4th grade school. In each classroom, we practiced English with them by playing games and helping teach the class. I was also able to visit their special needs classroom which has only one student in it. She and I practiced Kanji characters together on the board.

After our elementary school visits, we went to the space rocket museum. There is a factory in Kakuda that manufactures parts needed for satellite rockets and we had the opportunity to see one and tour the museum. From the top of the observation tower, I was able to see all of Kakuda City. It was a magnificant view!

After the official part of our day was over, Erik, Tony, and I were invited by Mr. Takashi to visit the Kakuda City police station for a tour and to meet the Chief. Some of the officers were practicing Kendo and Judo so we were able to watch them for a little bit. Check out the pictures of Erik in his Kendo suit! They also wanted us to take pictures of Erik and me on the police motorcycle. It was quite fun!

When we were done with our private tour, we went to Mr. Takashi's house for a traditional Japanese BBQ. Philip and Billy and their host mothers met us there where we ate barbequed beef, tongue (not me!), chicken, and sausage. We also had watermelon which we broke open in the traditional Japanese fashion; cracking it with a bamboo stick while blindfolded!

Although it was another exhausting day, I will never forget the smiles of the Japanese children as they welcomed us to their schools and the incredible hospitality of our hosts. What a treat!


Nick said...

Looks like another great day! BTW, I don't think Ethan has pink eye (but I did give him a couple of doses of the medicine just to be sure). I will check it again this morning. We have a softball game and pictures tonight. We love you and miss you!

RYoung said...

Kim: Have a big favor to ask. The picture of your group at Oda Elementary; the lady at the back, check if her name is Mrs. Kimura, and if so, please get her home address for me. I think she's my host "mom" from back in 1995...have lost touch but would love to reconnect. Thanks! Rob Young