Friday, June 8, 2007

The Welcome Dinner

What can I say? The Kakuda City Friendship Society hosted a wonderful Welcome Dinner for all of us. They made us feel like kings and queens! Everyone was so gracious and kind as we greeted them and tried to use their language in our welcome speeches. I don't think any of us said anything inappropriate and we all got a lot of laughter and applause! Tony gave Renee and Jess a challenge by asking them to perform on the spot and, boy, did they ever meet it! Renee played "The Entertainer" on the piano like a pro and Jess sang a song about Freedom that was beautiful. They both had everyone cheering and clapping along with them. Great job, guys! Everyone is getting along well and it seems like our home stay families are great matches. The talk on the bus yesterday was all about how our families had gone out of their ways to make us feel comfortable and welcomed. Of course, we all compared bathroom stories and sleeping arrangements. Futons are actually quite comfortable we've all discovered! I have finally figured out how to post pictures so keep an eye out for those. I'll keep them coming.

The group won't be back together again until Monday, but I'll keep posting any news I get. I hear many of them will be shopping, visiting temples, and watching baseball this weekend. I think my family and I will be going to see Cirque du Soleil today or tomorrow. We were going to visit a temple on top of a mountain, but the forecast said rain for today. As I'm looking out the window, though, I see sunshine, so we may be able to get outside. Shoko works until about 10:00 today so I'm using this time to rest, read, and catch up on my e-mail and this blog. Her sister works at Keihin in Kakuda so she was very excited to see the picture of our factory in Greenfield. I love my host family. They've all been wonderful!

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