Friday, June 8, 2007

Our First Day

We're only 1/2 way through our day, but we've already had a full one! We started this morning by visiting Mt. Zao and seeing the volcanic crater at the top. The workout I got with that was much better than the elliptical machine at the Wellness center. After seeing the mountain, we stopped at a Kokeshi factory and made our own Kokeshi dolls. Lunch was a wonderful meal of meatloaf, french fries, rice, salad, and ice cream! For all you out there wondering if I'm surviving without Diet Coke, don't fear. The 7-11 stores here have plenty for me! I just don't have any ice, but at least I've got caffeine! My host family even had Diet Coke for me for breakfast this morning. After lunch, we toured a ceramics factory and made our own pots, cups, and plates. They will ship them to us after they are fired in the kiln. It's a good thing we had help from the artisians. None of our pots fell!

Tonight is our Welcome Dinner and we have to give our speeches. Many of the kids (and the adults!) are nervous, but our interpreters have been very good and I'm sure they will bail us out if we get into trouble.

The group is having a great time and we all are enjoying our host families. We'll also have the chance to see the students who visited Greenfield in March. They will be at the dinner this evening. More later from Kakuda City, Japan!

4 comments: said...

Sounds like it was a great day! How is Erik taking it all in? Getting along with his host family? How about both of you with the language? Pictures yet?

Emily played a softball game last night and won 13-0. Erin played the night before and lost 6-5. Erin spent the night with Jennifer, so it was very quiet around here. We miss you.

PS: I watered the flowers this morning.

Emily said...

Sounds like everything is going great =] Pictures, soon? I want to see some. I remember that Mt. Zao was quite a sight when I saw. Good luck at the welcome dinner tonight, have fun.

LV, E3 and E4 said...

Hey Kim!! It's Lauren. Your first 1/2 day sounds like a great deal of fun, but tiring! I am so glad to hear you have your diet coke. Does it taste the same??
Good luck on your speech, I know you will be fine.
Things here are going well. I have utilized my help resources (Priddy's, Julie, Johnston's) and we are making it just fine. Today we are planning to go to the Strawberry Festival. Then, we are babysitting Bryce Thompson again. Your kids are super excited about that! They love helping me out, and believe me, I don't mind. Also, it is garage sale day in your neighborhood and your children have told me they don't want to go walk around....haha, just kidding. That was the first request when I walked in the door today!
Well, enough for now. Ethan and I are going to watch School of Rock. He says to tell you Hi and wants to know if you liked the Diet Coke. I think Erin Kate will write later and also, your mom called yesterday. She thought you left today and was disappointed she didn't get to wish you a good trip. I told her I would tell you if I talked to you.
Keep enjoying that trip and I will talk to you soon!

Indiana AAHS said...

Sounds like you're having a great time. How's the jet lag? That's always the thing I hate most about traveling...

Have fun, take care, all that jazz!